author: cafkafk

I'm basically the answer to "what would a transwoman techbro be like".

Infrastructure developer, making Denmark's open source library infrastructure (as in books) (with Rust and NixOS).
Former pure math student (2 yrs SDU, 3 yrs UCPH), never finished a degree.

BDFL of eza, the cute version of ls.
NixOS Committer, the war version of Guix.

Hobbies include cooking, Yoga, Running, Grocy ERP, plaintext accounting, aggressive org-mode journaling, home automation, being lesbian, satellite radio, photography, feminism and queer theroy, hiking, and occasional obsessive reading, usually non-fiction.

I'm a relationship anarchist, so I relate to people differently. I also align strongly with many anarchist ideas.

I actually like kubernetes, and containers, and the Linux Kernel, systemd, and so on. My favorite software license is EUPL-1.2.