author: joene 🏴🍉

politics: ✭ (eco-)anarchist ☆ queer ☆ intersectional ☆ radical leftist activist ☆ climate alarmist ☆ anti-capitalist ☆ anti-fascist ☆ anti-zionist ☆ anti-militarist (not a pacifist) ☆ anti-tankie ☆ neo-luddite ☆ bij1 member ☆

:ecoan: :anqueer_flag: :ancom:

personal: ✭ veggie with vegan tendencies and sympathies ☆ atheist ☆ gen x ☆ parent ☆ :autism: autistic ☆ :nonbinaryflag: :pride: non-binary ☆ white (not proud) ☆ +31/.nl ☆

more interests: ✭ journalism, human rights, geography, meteorology/climatology, astronomy, history, sociology/anthropology, biology, science in general, music (70s/80s/90s/prince/funk/newwave), scifi, tech (linux, sysadmin, webdev), free culture, etc. ☆

licence: ✭ :cc: BY-NC-SA 4.0. (only own (original) content) ☆