For people who are still avoiding COVID:
How are we feeling about hotels/motels? Is there generally a lot or a little air circulation between rooms? Is there a way to tell ahead of time? What are your safety protocols?
For people who are still avoiding COVID:
How are we feeling about hotels/motels? Is there generally a lot or a little air circulation between rooms? Is there a way to tell ahead of time? What are your safety protocols?
“It’s just another flu”
I’m sure many have heard this about covid. And we are watching a new variant spread like wildfire right now with more intense symptoms and higher rates of sudden respiratory failure.
But let’s talk about the flu.
This is, ultimately, what took my dad. This is why I fucking hate this ideology.
“It’s just the flu” fuck off with that.
Wear a fucking mask. Get vaxed. It’s not hard.
I used to think that if people could SEE the deadly #COVID particles come out of people's mouths & everyone could SEE how they went into another person & then that person quickly got visibly sick (eg blood coming out of their nose, coughing, collapsing then dying) while the person who shot the #COVID19 particles out of their mouth was standing there, people would change their behavior.
LAWS would be passed & enforced to save lives.
But I don't think that anymore, at least not in America.
h/t to @mattblaze for his news prediction skills.
Update berekend aantal nieuwe #covid19 gevallen per dag, NL, uitgesplitst naar variant.
#COVID19 is over?
Thus far in 2024, COVID has caused 300,520 hospitalizations and 32,048 deaths in the US.
In SIX MONTHS, COVID has killed:
More than twice the ANNUAL death toll from gun homicides.
75% of the ANNUAL death toll in motor vehicle accidents.
4x the number of US fatalities incurred during the decades-long war on terror.
How is this anyone's definition of “over”?