Tuberculosis outbreaks in Kansas and North Carolina, measles outbreak in Texas and COVID is still everywhere. I’ve not seen a single media outlet mention wearing masks.

In fact masks are banned in North Carolina and Nassau County and more bans are currently on the table.

A good respirator protects from more than just Covid. The people deserve to know how to keep themselves safe.

A damning indictment of droplet theory (that pathogens spread by flying droplets out 'cha mouth) from as long ago as 1936.

Written by Dr. Wells & Mr. Wells, a wife and husband team.


[originally posted August 28, 2020]

#COVIDIsAirborne #RespiratoryVirusesAreAirborne #EntericVirusesAreAirborne

Of particular note, they did airflow studies and the "droplet nuclei" were found throughout the office.

Furthermore, lack of ventilation already known.

So what on earth are the people who are arguing against aerosol actually fighting?