By popular demand, checkins are here! After a few bugfixes, naturally.

Note to self: fix interop with azorius composites. Surprising it doesn't just work.

Added a filter to remove tags and links from the end of a post body and display it as part of the post metadata. I think this looks a lot cleaner.

Test case is oldbookillustrations where I like seeing the description followed by the image without all the extra stuff in the middle.

Among the stupid bugs is one which adds another level of html escaping to account summaries every three days. I know the proximate cause, which is refreshing an account we already own, but not why the check to prevent that fails. Its also possible i was running an old build, so it may take three days to find out.

@tedu @tedu Tell us more about this #honk3 of which you honk.

Took some time off dev, wanted a bit of a break, but everything seems fun and exciting again, so should start improving things again.

Should have quote inlining done. Waiting for a good minute to deploy.

./database.go:874:5: initialization cycle for postCache

Shut up, compiler, just let me code!

After consultation with the architectural diagrams, I believe I understand how captions work now.

And we're back. As a reminder, honk3 is subject to the same reliability guarantees as honk. It is extremely unlikely to break, unless I break it, which is extremely likely.

Eventually need to work out a way to detect the app script.js is outdated and reload. In the mean time, a daily refresh is recommended...

Discovered some more database "corruption" based on code churn. Need to add some gamma and delta phases to my release process, so I'm not stuck with a database containing remnants nobody else has.

At some point I need to fix the front page query so it doesn't only show my posts on everybody else's domain. That was a quick hack.

Redoing the main host domain at the last minute may have not been the brightest idea. Apparently that wasn't designed to change, but the damage was minimal and easily repaired.

Well, what can wrong is that I seem to be pretty terrible at DNS.

Almost ready. All that's left is the testing. What could go wrong?

Some good work on the styles. Still pretty barren, but the direction is more apparent for each.

Ugh, trying to fix up iPhone "right click" is harder than I thought. Unlimited unintended consequences.

Successfully verified the most important thing. Le big mastodon supports shared inbox across domains. Was slightly concerned that wouldn't work, which would be a serious hiccup for honk enterprise.

I think the sad reality is other projects may or may not work, but they can be convinced to change, whereas big stomper does what big stomper does.

Ugh, tiny bugs hiding everywhere in signup code. Users are the worst.

Seems to work with only a little tweaking.

So found something of a hack which looks promising to do right click on iPhone (etc.).

Someday I'll figure out how css grid actually works, but apparently that was not today. It was pretty until it was not.

Reports and regex.

Got the tag links working. Cooking with induction, now.