A very nice profile on books and illustrations: @oldbookillustrations
197859 author: askesis@qoto.org
09 Mar 06:29
tags: #books #download #illustrations
to: https://mastodon.social/users/oldbookillustrations
tags: #books #download #illustrations
to: https://mastodon.social/users/oldbookillustrations
Cherry plum season.
Afternoon dress by Redfern.
George Barbier, from "Gazette du bon ton," vol. 2, Collective work, Paris: 1914
Vichy (1)
You all behave.
George Barbier, from "Gazette du bon ton," vol. 2, Collective work, Paris: 1914
The stunning little fish.
Summer dress.
George Barbier, from "Gazette du bon ton," vol. 2, Collective work, Paris: 1914