Medical exemptions are NOT the answer to mask bans. They’re discriminatory, ableist & leave far too many people behind.
These bans represent a return to ugly laws & fuel the dangerous narrative that “only the vulnerable” need to worry about covid
People are quick to say mask bans aren’t something to worry about because there’s a medical exemption in place. They ignore the fact that an exemption puts undue burden on disabled people to prove they’re “sick enough” to legally wear a mask.
They force us to obtain a doctor’s note that we may be unable to get - and they disregard the stress of being stopped & questioned by a police officer. Not to mention the fact that marginalized individuals & POC will be disproportionately impacted & harassed.
Medical exemptions assume that we exist in a vacuum - with no friends, family or loved ones caring for us. What good is it if WE can mask when the people we rely on for support (and share air with) can’t? Covid is airborne - we need those closest to us to mask to keep up safe
Putting all those issues aside - we’re left with a GLARING omission in the mask ban debate - one which I suspect is intentional.
By instituting medical exemptions - a clear message is being sent that “only the vulnerable” need to worry about covid.
This harmful & incorrect “othering” has been a problem from day one of the pandemic. The assumption that you have to already be sick or disabled to be at risk for COVID complications. That if you’re healthy - there’s absolutely no reason to mask.
There are 400 million people currently battling Long Covid. Millions have lost their lives. Countless folks have been orphaned, widowed and lost loved ones. Even more have had their health ripped away from them & their entire lives upended by this virus. They may never recover.
To act as though people shouldn’t try and prevent Covid infection unless they’re already sick is absurd. Everyone should have the legal RIGHT to keep themselves and their communities safe from Covid. Everyone should be allowed to wear a mask.
Please push back against mask bans. If you stopped masking - now is a great time to start again. The more we show people they’re a medical device and nothing to be scared of - the harder it’ll be to put ugly laws in place. Don’t wait until you’re disabled to care.
We can make a difference. We can mask in solidarity. We can carry spare masks and hand them out. We can thank people for masking. We can call & email legislators & tell them we won’t travel anywhere with a mask ban. We CAN stop these bans from spreading.
I encourage everyone to read my article to learn more about why disabled people & mask advocates are fighting these bans. Enough is enough - we know Covid is dangerous & we know masks stop the spread. We can’t allow them to be made illegal. We must stop the cycle of harm.