in summary, Kagan's dissent is "'originalism' and 'textualism' my ass"

@DiamondMind Yeah but even faggots in the eras of Ancient Greece and Rome knew that they had to use pu$$y to procreate and owning women was a status symbol like owning a Tibetan Mastiff.

The pu$$y-abstaining faggots of today are some weird psychotic breed of use-to-be-men. They are very dangerous and should not be trusted.

My mind can accept bisexual men but not fully gay men.

Avoiding any and all pu$$y is literally for faggots and really bonkers. #NSFW

@p @0 @9 @Ashurbanipal @Darbzilla @Folklore @Leyonhjelm @Merc @NonPlayableClown @Terry @Tony @Zergling_man @a @colonelj @coolboymew @dcc @f0x @lainbot @nyanide @pernia @styx @sun @syzygy @thebitchisback @threat

@Hyperhidrosis @RatPoster

@RatPoster It's time!

Female nudity, erotics, cute and sexy

@thegreatape @mischievoustomato Best I can do is have her flaccid and that's also a rarer result

Here's some of the results I got since then

@thegreatape @mischievoustomato Lmao, unable to spawn a small penis. Even if I remove the huge breasts tag that could interfere, I cannot do it

Yoko Littner and her big gun

Female nudity, erotics, cute and sexy