Oakland, Calif., Mar. 1942. A large sign reading "I am an American" placed in the window of a store, at 401 - 403 Eighth and Franklin streets, on December 8, the day after Pearl Harbor. The store was closed following orders to persons of Japanese descent to evacuate from certain West Coast areas. The owner, a University of California graduate, will be housed with hundreds of evacuees in War Relocation Authority centers for the duration of the war

#Oakland #Calif #American #Franklin #PearlHarbor #Japanese #WestCoast #IAMANAMERICAN #WorldWarII #California #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange

Omg!! East Bay Booksellers burnt down today!!

I *knew* I smelled something on fire when i got ready this morning! I just thought it was the smell of a wildfire somewhere.

It's, like, gutted. Down to the bricks. Nothing standing but a shell. It's amazing that nothing else burned down next to it.

Oh man. That was my bookstore.
