Research shows it costs taxpayers $31,065 a year to criminalize a single person experiencing homelessness while the yearly cost for providing supportive housing is $10,051.
tags: #homelessness #housing #landlords #police #rent #tax
tags: #IWW #LaborHistory #anarchism #author #books #everett #fiction #massacre #novel #police #policebrutality #strike #union #vigilantes #workingclass #writer
Today in Labor History November 5, 1916: The Everett Massacre occurred in Everett, Washington. 300 IWW members arrived by boat in Everett to help support the shingle workers’ strike that had been going on for the past 5 months. Prior attempts to support the strikers were met with vigilante beatings with axe handles. As the boat pulled in, Sheriff McRae called out, “Who’s your leader?” The Wobblies answered, “We’re all leaders!” The sheriff pulled his gun and said, “You can’t land.” A Wobbly yelled back, “Like hell we can’t.” Gunfire erupted, most of it from the 200 vigilantes on the dock. When the smoke cleared, two of the sheriff’s deputies were dead, shot in the back by their own men, along with 5-12 Wobblies on the boat. Dozens more were wounded. The authorities arrested 74 Wobblies. After a trial, all charges were dropped against the IWW members. The event was referenced in John Dos Passos’s “USA Trilogy.”
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #anarchism #Everett #massacre #vigilantes #police #policebrutality #union #strike #books #fiction #novel #writer #author @bookstadon
tags: #DigitalArt #MastoArt #acab #cactus #fediart #kritaart #police
Le saviez-vous ? Tous les cacti ont exactement 1312 épines et adorent s'attaquer aux fondements de la Police... 🌵
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