@frameworkcomputer Ah not available yet. But thanks - I'd missed that announcement and it looks interesting especially if the smaller version can take the next versions of the #riscv boards.
Potentially a nice replacement for my aging Lenovo x220t 2-in-1 which now has a cracked screen 😁
196696 author: sxa@fosstodon.org
06 Mar 21:22
tags: #riscv
to: https://fosstodon.org/users/frameworkcomputer
tags: #riscv
to: https://fosstodon.org/users/frameworkcomputer
Published my first Hackage package today: A Haskell library which provides a formal, executable specification of the RISC-V architecture and can be used to build custom interpreters for RISC-V machine code: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/libriscv