Can someone with technical knowledge on this explain to me why my #VPN is not getting me around the #tiktokban ? I’m using a #windows and #apple device. The VPN isn’t working for either

ℹ Note: Social media platform TikTok has deactivated its own service in the US after a ruling by the Supreme Court on Friday upholding a nationwide ban; there are no indications of widespread network level restrictions imposed by internet providers at the present time

The US ordinary folks’ #TikTokBan consciousness raising continues on #RedNote #xiaohongshu

“they have parks … they have food”

I stole this from @GossiTheDog

This user is crying with her new domestic US spy missing the good times with her Chinese spy on #youtube shorts. #tiktok #tiktokban

Enjoying these #tiktok posts of users saying goodbye to their assigned Chinese spy.