DB reliability - a tale in two parts:

Gah! This train is now running 20 minutes late! I have 25 minutes to change platform at Frankfurt am Main.

...40 minutes later...

Aha! Apparently, my connecting train is now running 20 minutes late. DB is being dependable.

Not #CrossBorderRail today. Or at least not in the normal way 🙂

I’m off to TU Braunschweig first, working with @ehrba ‘s students

Then later I’m going to Gedenkstätte Marienborn - the transit point for those travelling to West Berlin from West Germany

First up: a replacement train ICE 2917 Berlin Südkreuz - Braunschweig Hbf

I think I'm starting to understand @jon about #EU-wide ticketing system.

After trying to wrangle Austrian, Czech and German rail to sell me a ticket from Prague to Trier and I'm ready to give up and go by bus.

After having acceptable or good experience with #CrossBorderRail in eastern half of Europe, western half feels like a mess.