We got a Duplo train for baby. Turns out the adults play with it just as much ๐Ÿ˜

Step 1 of taking a bicycle 120 miles out of San Francisco without a car: ride to BART station (the subway in the Bay Area ). Every car (except the first) is a bike car and itโ€™s relatively easy to strap in

DB reliability - a tale in two parts:

Gah! This train is now running 20 minutes late! I have 25 minutes to change platform at Frankfurt am Main.

...40 minutes later...

Aha! Apparently, my connecting train is now running 20 minutes late. DB is being dependable.

It's one thing to "Test in Production" with IT systems...

...it's another thing entirely to test in production with OT / ICS systems (especially with passengers on board).

(HT @Hacktress09)

#transit #trains #publicTransportation #solarPunk #ICS

Article "(Washington DC) Metro train risks potential collision in Alexandria, Virginia":

But is it a depraved heart murder if they were talking on the phone in the quiet car?