Seen over Pleasant Acres Reindeer Ranch last night. The ranch is located east of Fairbanks, AK in the Interior. #Alaska #PleasantAcresReindeerRanch

1970s Japan Air Lines "Alaska" poster, from a time when the stop in Anchorage on the way to the Lower 48 or Europe was so common in Japan that there was even a hit song about it. Photo taken at Portage Lake. Via SFO Museum

Lots of good aurora photos from around Interior Alaska Saturday night and early Sunday morning, but this was one from Tok (upper Tanana valley, Tanacross Dene county) is especially evocative. Photo by K. Turk and shared with permission. #akwx #aurora #Alaska #Autumn2024
@SilverSalmonAK @leepetersen

Fossil fuel companies have killed the entire Alaska Snow Crab industry because the crabs just plain disappeared. All 10 billion of them.
#bcpoli #canpoli #alaska #climateCriminals