Seen over Pleasant Acres Reindeer Ranch last night. The ranch is located east of Fairbanks, AK in the Interior. #Alaska #PleasantAcresReindeerRanch

Pretty much every serious photographer here tries to capture photos of the #volcano and the #northernlights together. Sometimes, they succeed quite well ;) Photos from Wioleta Gorecka, taken near Reykjanesvíti.

Hey #believeinfilm friends,

Did you see the northern lights yesterday?

A solar storm made the aurora borealis visible in Vancouver, where I live, and even in places south of that, like Toronto. I photographed the lights on film with my Canon F-1 and a roll of CineStill 800T.

More hi-res photos:

Not bringing a digital camera was one of the best decisions of the night. Film is the best way to capture this event.