🇬🇧🚨Will the EU's #ChatControl attack on privacy and security be adopted in tomorrow's COREPER vote? +++ Unconfirmed rumours claim one critical government has carved in +++ Will Finland🇫🇮 respect its Parliament's vote to oppose? +++ Check your government's position now!

🇬🇧🚨Orban moving fast: Endorsement of #ChatControl on the agenda for Wednesday (ambassadors) and Thursday (EU interior ministers) https://www.parlament.gv.at/dokument/XXVII/EU/198766/imfname_11414915.pdf +++ Politicians, before you destroy secure #encryption understand that China spied on the US on a large scale using backdoors set up for lawful interception https://www.wsj.com/tech/cybersecurity/u-s-wiretap-systems-targeted-in-china-linked-hack-327fc63b?st=byoB7m +++ Finland to take a stance on Wednesday https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tiedotteet/Sivut/Eduskunnan-kanta-neuvotteluihin-lapsiin-kohdistuvan-seksuaaliv%C3%A4kivallan-torjunnan-s%C3%A4%C3%A4nn%C3%B6ist%C3%A4-ensi-viikolla.aspx +++

Information and how you can lobby your government:

🇬🇧Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt (in German): https://netzpolitik.org/2024/interne-dokumente-sperrminoritaet-gegen-chatkontrolle-wackelt/ +++ Only AUT, DEU, EST, LUX, POL, SVN were critical – no blocking minority! +++ BEL, CZE, FIN, ITA, NLD, PRT, SWE undecided +++ EU legal experts confirm violation of our fundamental rights +++ Only 5 days to next discussion +++

Help pressure our governments into defending our #privacy of correspondence and secure #encryption now:

@evan Just did. This falls in the same drawer as #chatcontrol. Someone who never used the Net coughed that up.

People who abuse such things will not be stopped by a label.

@sam @mae @faye @mattblaze @gruber >never mind all the literal nazis and pedos of course, god forbid someone blocks them

My instance admin @hachyderm has taken care of that for me.

Please quit that "please think of the children" shit, which is abused for things for things like #chatcontrol.