❌ No safe message scanning technology exists.

⚠️ These powers would force a cybersecurity weakness onto apps like WhatsApp and Signal.

‼️ Hackers, predators and spies could crowbar their way into everything you send.

✍️ Tell Ofcom: End-to-end Encryption Means Online Safety ➡️ https://action.openrightsgroup.org/48-hours-tell-ofcom-practice-safe-text

⏰ CLOSES Monday 10 March at 5pm.

#PracticeSafeText 💬

🚨 Time is Running Out to Save Encryption 🔐

Ofcom is consulting on implementing message scanning powers in the UK Online Safety Act.

This would break end-to-end encryption on the messaging apps we all use!

⏰ CLOSES Monday 10 March, 5pm.

Use our tool to tell Ofcom #PracticeSafeText 💬



France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU.

Here's how you can stop them: 👉 https://tuta.com/blog/france-surveillance-nacrotrafic-law

@GossiTheDog "For new users" - that part seems a bit odd. If they are willing to break end to end #encryption for new users, why would existing users trust them not to break it for them also...

It couldn't be clearer: Encryption is online safety.

It keeps our data secure from hackers. Our systems secure from global bad actors. Our rights secure from State oppression in a digitalised society.

Sign and share our petition to save Apple encrypted data ⬇️

#encryption #surveillance #e2ee #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #Apple


The UK is rogue in trying to order a backdoor to Apple encryption.

US lawmakers slam the UK's secretive order, calling it what it is:

🔥 'Dangerous' for global cybersecurity
🔥 'Effectively a foreign cyberattack'

The Home Office must back off ✋

#encryption #surveillance #e2ee #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #Apple #privacy

Remember Friends:

You cannot both have secure end-to-end encryption to protect your communication AND also have a backdoor/key/access only for "the good guys."

This is not possible.
Do not believe anyone telling you otherwise.

End-to-end encryption protects us all,
we must fight to keep it ✊🔒

🇬🇧🚨Orban moving fast: Endorsement of #ChatControl on the agenda for Wednesday (ambassadors) and Thursday (EU interior ministers) https://www.parlament.gv.at/dokument/XXVII/EU/198766/imfname_11414915.pdf +++ Politicians, before you destroy secure #encryption understand that China spied on the US on a large scale using backdoors set up for lawful interception https://www.wsj.com/tech/cybersecurity/u-s-wiretap-systems-targeted-in-china-linked-hack-327fc63b?st=byoB7m +++ Finland to take a stance on Wednesday https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/tiedotteet/Sivut/Eduskunnan-kanta-neuvotteluihin-lapsiin-kohdistuvan-seksuaaliv%C3%A4kivallan-torjunnan-s%C3%A4%C3%A4nn%C3%B6ist%C3%A4-ensi-viikolla.aspx +++

Information and how you can lobby your government:

🇬🇧Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt (in German): https://netzpolitik.org/2024/interne-dokumente-sperrminoritaet-gegen-chatkontrolle-wackelt/ +++ Only AUT, DEU, EST, LUX, POL, SVN were critical – no blocking minority! +++ BEL, CZE, FIN, ITA, NLD, PRT, SWE undecided +++ EU legal experts confirm violation of our fundamental rights +++ Only 5 days to next discussion +++

Help pressure our governments into defending our #privacy of correspondence and secure #encryption now:

Great progress for bourgeois #democracy. They push hard to have access on all of our data and the same time they take measures to avoid the process for themselves....