Well, that was quick!

I wrote about about my disappointment with @mozillaofficial changes:


Seems they were just starting 🙄


- https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/legal/terms/firefox/

- https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/firefox/#notice

Consider other Open Source apps you may use: aren't you sad that these lack ToS & Privacy legalese?

My advise: move away from Mozilla.

They have lost my trust.


Read this:


👀 at this:


I'm baffled about the myriad of @mozillaofficial structures, amount of directors / C-level people & how to rhyme 'investing in privacy-respecting advertising; with 'draw a bigger circle of supporters over the long run.'

As a long time Mozilla supporter, I was already unhappy about the direction of the last years & this does certainly not bode well for the future. 😞 😩

#Firefox #Mozilla #Thunderbird #Tech #OpenSource

It couldn't be clearer: Encryption is online safety.

It keeps our data secure from hackers. Our systems secure from global bad actors. Our rights secure from State oppression in a digitalised society.

Sign and share our petition to save Apple encrypted data ⬇️

#encryption #surveillance #e2ee #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #Apple


The UK is rogue in trying to order a backdoor to Apple encryption.

US lawmakers slam the UK's secretive order, calling it what it is:

🔥 'Dangerous' for global cybersecurity
🔥 'Effectively a foreign cyberattack'

The Home Office must back off ✋

#encryption #surveillance #e2ee #cybersecurity #ukpolitics #ukpol #Apple #privacy

Any device that needs to be off because it can't be trusted with your conversations should not exist in the first place.

“Microsoft to install facial-recognition technology in stores, which could be used to identify individual customers: When a shopper approaches the shelf, she would see a price calibrated specifically for her. The next shopper might pay a different amount based on their profile. Retailers could use shopper data to charge higher prices to those who can afford to pay more.”


It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.

#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia

Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto

Location data collected by over a hundred Dutch apps are for sale online.

It appears that the owner of popular weather app Buienalarm (Rain Alarm, in rough translation) does not know how the location data of its users ended up at this data broker. The app has 5 million users, a quarter of all people in The Netherlands. (Yes, it’s a rainy country.)


Latest comic. A British consumer rights group examined unnecessary data harvesting by “smart” devices, including air fryers connected to phone apps. While these devices may not pose the greatest privacy risk in our everyday lives, they are part of a growing Internet of Things capable of collecting data when and where we least expect it.


This Faraday cage is perfectly adequate for a phone. Or just wrap it in Alfoil. Make sure to switch off your phone or put into flight mode as the OS will boost the signal to the max, thinking it's leaving cell. Draining your bat.

When in flight mode, many phones still track you.

When you're a "person of interest" many phones will track and listen even when it is "off" (powered off)

Remember when you take it out of the box, you will ping you immediately.

While we're talking #Opsec, don't take your phone to a demo. Buy one of these pre-internet digital cameras (and don't take pix of demonstrators/blur them)

P.S. A microwave oven will permanently fsck your phone if you need a fast zap.

Great progress for bourgeois #democracy. They push hard to have access on all of our data and the same time they take measures to avoid the process for themselves....

I used to think Google were evil but smart.

I no longer think they’re smart.