Mind you, this still isn't a good excuse to use a Chromium-based browser.

And for all you people using Brave out there, well :corgi_wtf1:​ 🖕 Brave is run by this guy who hates queer people and believes conspiracy theories about Covid, so maybe don't use his shitty browser that's been caught injecting affiliate links.

Me: Please don't use Chromium-based browsers, use Firefox instead. Google has way too much control over the web because of Chromium and they'll be sure to leverage that in order to benefit themselves.

Chromium: Hey all, we're getting rid of ad-blockers because it's cutting into our record-breaking revenue! I mean, uh, we're deprecating Manifest V2 for, uh, security. Yeah.

Me: See? Please use Firefox. :blobfoxmeltsob:​

Mozilla: Hey friends, AI is really cool! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we're making an ads business! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we have a ToS with either the most nefarious or the most incompetent language ever! *steps on rake* Also AI is cool!!!

Me: ... :corgi_wtf1:​ I hate it here.

Google, a brief history

2004: Don’t be evil
2018: OK, be evil but at least don’t kill people
2025: Fuck it, kill people


“That’s the AI result, don’t read it, it’s wrong” — said to my wife as she was searching for an important piece of info we needed.

It’s just so easy to read that AI summary. Here it is, the answer to your question, no more searching needed. I’ve caught myself doing it. It is also factually incorrect so often that we should never look at it.

And yes, in my wife’s search the answer it gave was very wrong and could have had life-changing negative consequences. I can’t imagine how many people are being misled by #google #ai results every day, and what damage it does.

My research on how Chrome extensions spam Chrome Web Store search with irrelevant keywords has been picked up by @dangoodin: https://arstechnica.com/security/2025/01/googles-chrome-web-store-has-a-serious-spam-problem-promoting-shady-extensions/

The article quotes me towards the end, something that is worth repeating:

“It wasn’t that hard to notice, and they have better access to the data than me. So either Google isn’t looking or they don’t care.”

Did anyone hear about bigtech investing in #nuclear energy to supposedly power 'ai'? here's a supposed article that sounds like it's copy-pasted straight from the nuclear lobby's press release (you can tell because they write "clean energy" as opposed to "toxic waste generating energy that poisons children and placed in bombs to damag the #genetics of people in parts of the world bankers want to harvest").

Amazon bought a nuclear-powered #datacenter in march and now they are investing $500 million in "small modular reactors". The nuclear lobby must be thrilled that everyone seems to be too distracted with the election to even talk about this. This news from amazon came a day after google announced it has big plans to go nuclear over the next decade or so.

in case anyone needed another reason to boycott m$, amaz, and goog....

Google analytics has little cards litterally tagged "Upsell" 🤦‍♂️

Google and Microsoft recently admitted their emissions are soaring as they build out data centers to power the AI boom.

But new analysis from The Guardian suggests the data center emissions of Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Apple are 662% higher than the companies reporting.



Ik snap niet dat DNB, AFM en de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens dit allemaal maar goed vinden. Google krijgt zo weer een monopolie in the handenschudden een heel veel gegevens over ons.

Verkoop je zo als ING je ziel ook niet aan de duivel? Google krijgt een voet tussen de deur en heeft binnenkort ING niet meer nodig.

Zeer zorgelijke ontwikkeling.


I used to think Google were evil but smart.

I no longer think they’re smart.