Let's play a game.

Don't say PowerPoint presentation, say slidedeck
Don't say Word, say text document
Don't say Photoshop, say image editing
Don't say Excel, say spreadsheet
Don't say...

Language is important. When corporate companies own the names of the tasks or the digital items you create, you have become a cog in their branding machine.

Google, a brief history

2004: Don’t be evil
2018: OK, be evil but at least don’t kill people
2025: Fuck it, kill people


Social media. Cartoon for Trouw.

“Microsoft to install facial-recognition technology in stores, which could be used to identify individual customers: When a shopper approaches the shelf, she would see a price calibrated specifically for her. The next shopper might pay a different amount based on their profile. Retailers could use shopper data to charge higher prices to those who can afford to pay more.”


It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.

#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia

Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto

Geen nieuws natuurlijk, maar wat gaan we er aan doen #Overheid? https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2025/01/15/de-nederlandse-overheid-is-gevaarlijk-afhankelijk-van-buitenlandse-clouddiensten-constateert-de-rekenkamer-a4879629

Er zijn echt wel oplossingen. Je moet de definitie van die oplossingen alleen niet laten schrijven door #BigTech.

#ThoughtProvoker :blobhyperthink:

The #Fediverse where #Meta and other #BigTech have prominent seats at the table is the innovation lab for future #dystopia.

Weer een uitmuntende @tegenlicht aflevering, deze keer internet en gevaar van "Big Tech", met @kimvsparrentak (groen links) in de hoofdrol.


Voor wie nog lineaire tv kijkt, vanavond 5 jan 22:08 NL2

Yeah, Microsoft, I fucking get that I now have fucking free access to fucking copilot. Now kindly fuck off and take your fucking AI with you.

Bert Hubert zegt: Open Source is op zich geen alternatief voor Big Tech, lees het nu op https://opensourcewerken.nl/blog/view/406fb623-2101-42e5-8781-7a1672d9ae85/bert-hubert-open-source-is-geen-alternatief-voor-big-tech #OpenSource #BigTech #AppelsEnPeren #Blog