I asked for help here some months ago about one of the servers on this post that was hosted by Microsoft.

You can read about how that and other servers with infostealer logs ended up closed.

Hint: MSRC Portal is basically useless.


Many different mobile devices connected to Microsoft365, outlook.com, hotmail, live.com and other mail-domains of Microsoft had a token/cookie-reset from server-side in the past approx 36hours.

@Microsoft - What happend?

Von #Microsoft zu #OpenSource: Wie Schleswig-Holstein den Wechsel schaffen will (€)

Während viele andere Bundesländer weiter auf Microsoft setzen, schlägt Schleswig-Holstein einen eigenen Weg ein und entscheidet sich für Open-Source-Software.

There’s been a #Microsoft #outage going on all day today resulting in email and other M365 services including Teams being unavailable. Microsoft says they’ve rolled back the code change that caused the problem so things should start working again soon. Check on MO1020913 in the Microsoft Admin Portal for details.

Hey, remember Skype? I do. When I joined my first tech company (making silly little Facebook games back when that was a thing), they were coordinating over emails and in-person desk visits. First thing I did as an unpaid intern was move the dev team onto Skype.

We used it for so long we have some Skype emoji on this forum too :voodoo: :wave2: :mooning:

So long Skype, and thanks for all the fish.

If you can completely disable device code flows using Conditional Access, you should do so. If you cannot, at least limit which user IDs can use them. If you allow any users to use device code flows, use the #KQL provided to hunt for abuse.

#cybersecurity #microsoft

From: @fabian_bader

“Microsoft to install facial-recognition technology in stores, which could be used to identify individual customers: When a shopper approaches the shelf, she would see a price calibrated specifically for her. The next shopper might pay a different amount based on their profile. Retailers could use shopper data to charge higher prices to those who can afford to pay more.”


It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.

#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia

Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto

just bought a couple albums online and sync'd them to my new #zune! thankfully, we just got dsl, so i didn't have to wait a ton. i've got 850 songs on this thing and still have almost 20 GIGABYTES free. it's so much cooler than my friends' ipods. #microsoft has a real hit here

Yeah, Microsoft, I fucking get that I now have fucking free access to fucking copilot. Now kindly fuck off and take your fucking AI with you.

Welcome to today's world, where everything's made up and the words don't matter.

To everyone when they see horrible privacy news about Microsoft replying with:

"I don't care, I use Linux"

Sure, you do. But does your medical clinic do? Does your therapist do? Does your family member typing a personal email to you in Word before sending it do too?

This is a systemic problem.

You cannot protect your own data only by using Linux yourself. You must also demand stronger regulations and enforcement to obligate organizations around to protect your data as well.

"Microsoft Office, like many companies in recent months, has slyly turned on an “opt-out” feature that scrapes your Word and Excel documents to train its internal AI systems. This setting is turned on by default, and you have to manually uncheck a box in order to opt out.

If you are a writer who uses MS Word to write any proprietary content (blog posts, novels, or any work you intend to protect with copyright and/or sell), you’re going to want to turn this feature off immediately.

I won’t beat around the bush. Microsoft Office doesn’t make it easy to opt out of this new AI privacy agreement, as the feature is hidden through a series of popup menus in your settings:

On a Windows computer, follow these steps to turn off “Connected Experiences”: File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings > Optional Connected Experiences > Uncheck box: “Turn on optional connected experiences”"


"To all my writer friends that use MS Word - Microsoft has turned their Al bits and bots on to automatically go through anything done via Word. Here's how to turn it off. File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings > Connected Experiences"

On the Mac I found it under Word/Excel/Etc > Preferences > Privacy, and near the bottom was the checkbox for "Turn on optional connected experiences" which of course was on by default.

Did anyone hear about bigtech investing in #nuclear energy to supposedly power 'ai'? here's a supposed article that sounds like it's copy-pasted straight from the nuclear lobby's press release (you can tell because they write "clean energy" as opposed to "toxic waste generating energy that poisons children and placed in bombs to damag the #genetics of people in parts of the world bankers want to harvest").

Amazon bought a nuclear-powered #datacenter in march and now they are investing $500 million in "small modular reactors". The nuclear lobby must be thrilled that everyone seems to be too distracted with the election to even talk about this. This news from amazon came a day after google announced it has big plans to go nuclear over the next decade or so.

in case anyone needed another reason to boycott m$, amaz, and goog....

Microsoft should do a release of Xenix just to fuck with people.

Google and Microsoft recently admitted their emissions are soaring as they build out data centers to power the AI boom.

But new analysis from The Guardian suggests the data center emissions of Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Apple are 662% higher than the companies reporting.


I'm not at hacker summer camp this year. If you are like me and waiting for many of the great talks to come out, may I suggest you spend your time digging through the #EntraID Security Operations Guide. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/architecture/security-operations-introduction. This has real world things that you should be monitoring for and taking action on. There is really a lot in here. Where possible we've included links directly to #microsoft #sentinel templates if you use that as your SIEM or to Sigma rules so you can convert it to your SIEM.


Channel 4 News, in talking about today's #Microsoft #CrowdStrike fuckup, stated that the expected Y2K effect was imaginary.

No! No! NO!

We* did a massive amount of work to update and ensure systems would keep on working. And more importantly WE TESTED EVERYTHING FULLY BEFORE GOING LIVE.

(* As in everyone responsable for operating computer systems around the world!)

Microsoft banned Palestinians from its products because they called their families in Gaza on Skype.

I’ve met Palestinians who’ve lost their relatives in Israeli bombardments. People involved in Gaza humanitarian aid.

American corporations can cut them off from essential internet/communication services on a lark.


I'm using a #microsoft #windows computer, is there a decent terminal emulator available? Ideally one that doesn't mention AI in its change log.

I'm looking to ssh to a tmux on another computer. it's nothing fancy.

PowersHell is too blue.

The #WSL one seems to scroll to a random fucked up state whenever i touch my mouse (even near the wheel) and just has bizarre copy/paste behaviour. It just feels like a thing someone bashed out real quick to get it into a release