
What do Europeans think of #Orwell and #Huxley?

- 99% believe that it describes a possible future, and warns for #dystopia if we don't reign in our tech.

- 80% lacks the language to realize that 1984 and #BraveNewWorld are here today. And that #Newspeak makes that unthinkable.

- 70% will build #skynet without realizing it, and confuse it for technological progress.

“Microsoft to install facial-recognition technology in stores, which could be used to identify individual customers: When a shopper approaches the shelf, she would see a price calibrated specifically for her. The next shopper might pay a different amount based on their profile. Retailers could use shopper data to charge higher prices to those who can afford to pay more.”


It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.

#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia

Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto

#ThoughtProvoker :blobhyperthink:

The #Fediverse where #Meta and other #BigTech have prominent seats at the table is the innovation lab for future #dystopia.

Octavia E. Butler's "must read" masterpiece #ParableOfTheSower (1993) begins its first chapter on July 20, 2024.