...A fighting-machine standing near by the Langham and looking down at them.
Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from "La Guerre des Mondes" by Herbert George Wells, Brussels: 1906
tags: #art #illustration #sciencefiction
Something rushed up into the sky out of the greyness.
Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from "La Guerre des Mondes" by Herbert George Wells, Brussels: 1906
Here was work for the cook.
Léon Benett, from "The Clipper of the Clouds" by Jules Verne, London: 1887
The lamps of the Albatross were turned on.
Léon Benett, from "The Clipper of the Clouds" by Jules Verne, London: 1887
It was really extraordinary.
Léon Benett, from "The Clipper of the Clouds" by Jules Verne, London: 1887
tags: #movie #movies #sciencefiction #scifi
'Arrival' was released 8 years ago today. Besides being a fantastic #movie on its own merit, it also introduced me to the amazing Ted Chiang, who instantly became one of my favourite #SciFi writers.
In one week the examination of the Martian mechanisms had yielded astonishing results.
Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from "La Guerre des Mondes" by Herbert George Wells, Brussels: 1906
A big greyish rounded bulk, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder.
Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from "La Guerre des Mondes" by Herbert George Wells, Brussels: 1906
The arrival of the Martians.
Henrique Alvim Corrêa, from "La Guerre des Mondes" by Herbert George Wells, Brussels: 1906
tags: #MastoArt #anarchie #espace #fediart #sciencefiction #socialisme
Aujourd'hui c'est relâche, alors comme je suis un peu dans les vapes à cause du covid, j'envoie des vaisseaux spatiaux dans les étoiles pour mon univers de fiction Sol 161:
"Un astronef de l'Inter-Spatiale Socialiste explore les Graviers de Séléné pour sécuriser les nouvelles routes vers Mars - ca. 1880-1885 [d'après photographie]"
tags: #dictionary #doctorwho #sciencefiction #timetravel
New HDSF entry! "timey-wimey", coined, of course, in the Doctor Who episode "Blink", and frequently used in Doctor Who-related reference but also more broadly.
Octavia E. Butler's "must read" masterpiece #ParableOfTheSower (1993) begins its first chapter on July 20, 2024.