Title page illustration from "The Alphabet of Flowers and Fruit," London: [1856?]
Silly faces at the chapel.
Louis-Henri de Rudder, from "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo, Paris: 1844
Esmeralda set free by Phœbus.
Aimé de Lemud, from "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo, Paris: 1844
The three leaders of the gang.
Louis-Henri de Rudder, from "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo, Paris: 1844
tags: #illustration
to: https://mastodon.social/users/oldbookillustrations
@oldbookillustrations you have a typo in #illustration tag in your last bug posts. Keep up the good work!
tags: #art #illustration #insects
Schizodactylus monstrosus and other Orthoptera.
From "An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of India" written & illustrated by Edward Donovan, London: 1800
Ornithoptera priamus.
From "An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of India" written & illustrated by Edward Donovan, London: 1800
Blue mountain swallowtails.
From "An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of India" written & illustrated by Edward Donovan, London: 1800
tags: #art #digitaldrawing #fantasyart #illustration
Proud to show you this cover I illustrated for Sway Casey, for the new album he’s working on 🌱 He’s doing very chill music in the LoFi/ hiphop direction :) 🌊 Drawn digitally in Photoshop
A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad, tires in a mile-a.
Henry Ospovat, from "Shakespeare's Songs," London: 1901
Sigh no more, ladies.
Henry Ospovat, from "Shakespeare's Songs," London: 1901
All our love is lost, for Love is dead.
Henry Ospovat, from "Shakespeare's Songs," London: 1901
tags: #birds #colorpencils #drawing #forest #foret #illustration #nature #oiseau #serpent #snake
Bonsoir tout le monde,
Voilà un dessin aux crayons de couleur que j'ai réalisé pour une affiche de festival de contes ^^
À bientôt!
Calligraphed initial D.
From "Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits" by Ferdinand Denis, Paris: 1857
Medieval initial P.
From "Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits" by Ferdinand Denis, Paris: 1857
Medieval initial T.
From "Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits" by Ferdinand Denis, Paris: 1857
Him the Almighty Power
Hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky.
Gustave Doré, from "Milton's Paradise Lost" London: [ca. 1880?]
...Began to build a vessel of huge bulk.
Gustave Doré, from "Milton's Paradise Lost" London: [ca. 1880?]
Reptiles and creepy monsters
tags: #art #illustration
Dreadful was the din
Of hissing through the hall, thick-swarming now
With complicated monsters, head and tail.
Gustave Doré, from "Milton's Paradise Lost" London: [ca. 1880?]
Riehle testing machine.
From "Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré" under the direction of Jules Trousset, Paris: 1885-1891
Engraving machine.
From "Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré" under the direction of Jules Trousset, Paris: 1885-1891
Gramme machine.
From "Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré" under the direction of Jules Trousset, Paris: 1885-1891
tags: #Drawing #art #drawings #illustration #painting #watercolor #watercolour
a little watercolor that I made
He cut at me.
Sidney Paget, from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle, London: 1892
I rushed to the door.
Sidney Paget, from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle, London: 1892