Gardenia jasminoides.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe," vol. 2, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Camellia Grande Duchessa d'Estruria.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe," vol. 2, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Rothmannia longiflora.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe," vol. 2, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Gorgeous Monsters and Their Pets
Meet Ms. Premivarria of the Chewston tribe & her Screaming Meemees: Alto, Basil and Suprema.
Each (limited edition) purchase of the NFT Artwork includes Unlockable Content:
- A high resolution image for personal use.
- A PDF of the full humorous interview with the Individual Monster.
This artwork is for sale as an NFT on Rarible at

The Peaceful Garden
A cat meditates on the nature of life. A curious owl wishes that he would talk and explain its enigmatic smile.

This artwork is now available on Redbubble:
(100% human-made) human imagined, drawn and painted, no AI whatsoever.

Cattleya coccinea.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe" vol. 1, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1845

Nankeen lily.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe" vol. 1, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1845

Lilium brownii.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe" vol. 1, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1845

Peach-leaved bellflower.
Sydenham Teast Edwards, from "Curtis's Botanical Magazine," vol. 15-16, by John Sims, London: 1801-1803

Flowering dogwood.
Sydenham Teast Edwards, from "Curtis's Botanical Magazine," vol. 15-16, by John Sims, London: 1801-1803

Alpine clematis.
Sydenham Teast Edwards, from "Curtis's Botanical Magazine," vol. 15-16, by John Sims, London: 1801-1803

Rhododendron carneum elegantissimum.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe" vol. 2, under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Mahonia nervosa.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe, vol. 2" under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Sparaxis & Ixia.
From "Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe, vol. 2" under the direction of Louis Van Houtte, Ghent: 1846

Eduard Müller, plate 5 from "Flore pittoresque," Berlin, Liège, Paris: 1872

Eduard Müller, plate 2 from "Flore pittoresque," Berlin, Liège, Paris: 1872

Eduard Müller, plate 19 from "Flore pittoresque," Berlin, Liège, Paris: 1872

Cultivated tulip.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté, from "Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits" by Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin, Paris: [1827-1833]

Rose, anemone, and clematis.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté, from "Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits" by Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin, Paris: [1827-1833]

Fritillaria imperialis.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté, from "Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits" by Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin, Paris: [1827-1833]


An everlasting beauty - dandelion.

Jean-Théodore Descourtilz, from "Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles," vol. 1, by Michel-Etienne Descourtilz, Paris: 1821

Jean-Théodore Descourtilz, from "Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles," vol. 1, by Michel-Etienne Descourtilz, Paris: 1821

Giant granadilla.
Jean-Théodore Descourtilz, from "Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles," vol. 1, by Michel-Etienne Descourtilz, Paris: 1821

One of the new illustrations…

I’ll be getting some prints done when I’ve finished a few more new pieces. Hopefully they will be available by the end of October.