"We created a Large Language Model!"

"Let's use it for knowledge."

It's a language model.

"Let's use it for math!"

…Language model.

"Have it write and modify code!"

L A N G U A G E…

"It will make scientists obsolete!"

*slams door*

@ErikJonker from what I've read this seems to be powered by the OpenRewrite project (https://github.com/openrewrite/) by quite some extent, so not really AI (as in LLM), perhaps just for guiding you to the right recipes. Here is AWS writing about it, and having read AWS written stuff about their stuff and worked with AWS stuff I would take their boasting with a grain of salt for sure: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/upgrade-your-java-applications-with-amazon-q-code-transformation-preview/

No working screen reader for nine years* but, hey, you folks want some AI with that?

Let Fedora know what you think in their survey to add generative AI to the operating system:


#AI #LLM #GenerativeAI #Fedora #a11y #priorities


I used to think Google were evil but smart.

I no longer think they’re smart.