[NEW PAPER ALERT!] Our grantees
new paper puts forward a vision for balancing the benefits and risks of #opensource #GenAI (funded by
). Drafted by NickBotton
& Mathias Vermeulen
- a short thread on
97340 author: DigInfFund@mastodon.world
04 Nov 2024 14:09
tags: #DigitalInfrastructure #boundariesofopenness #genai #opensource
to: https://mastodon.world/users/DigInfFund
tags: #DigitalInfrastructure #boundariesofopenness #genai #opensource
to: https://mastodon.world/users/DigInfFund
This is glorious.The best time to burn a bridge is when you never, ever want to cross it again. #genai (Edit: This is a notice explaining why somebody is shutting down a long-running project to measure word frequencies.)
Tell me again how #GenAI will extract meaningful trends from and answer queries about your data set.