Hello mutualaidsisters, I am in need of help. For a bit of background, I am a straight male, mostly White but partially Irish, and relatively well-off financially. I have a stable job and my only debt is a home loan. I have a good relationship with my parents and extended family, and am generally quite comfortable.
I am straight and pursuing a relationship, but am only 5'9 and a bit under 140 lbs. I have done research on naturally increasing my body size, but moving into my late 20s this is no longer feasible at the levels I would require. As such, in order to attain the minimum size necessary to attract women, I am going to be undergoing an experimental bone-volume-increasing operation. I have just been informed that my insurance will not cover this operation as it has been deemed "non-essential" so I have to pay the $3mil out of pocket. Obviously I can't affprd this, so I have to lean on your kind charity. Every little bit helps, but if you can't contribute at least $130k I _will_ call you poor. Thank you.
#mutualaid #usaid #givememoneyplsthanx #heartwarming #finance #rape #nigger #bigbones #theygonnacallmebigbonejones
178983 author: nierenstein@poa.st
12 Feb 16:10
tags: #bigbones #datingadvice #finance #givememoneyplsthanx #heartwarming #mutualaid #nigger #rape #usaid
tags: #bigbones #datingadvice #finance #givememoneyplsthanx #heartwarming #mutualaid #nigger #rape #usaid
if your wife never dresses up as a cow for you she hates you and is cheating on you.