Brain Cipher should, in my opinion, just concede defeat on getting a ransom payment and give Rhode Island the decryption info for free as a fuck you to Deloitte and goodwill gesture to Rhode.

They're still trying to blackmail Deloitte (or the state) over this one, they have a pretty incredible rant on the portal along with the security contracts that are supposed to go with the system.

Update, called it - Brain Cipher have renamed their Deloitte ransomware page to Rhode Island

RIP the Deloitte UK customer account managers who have to spent the next week copy/pasting the same statement to 1000 clients

Idaho man who hacked medical entities and made vile threats sentenced to 10 years in prison:

This is a case that started because the threat actor, "Lifelock," contacted DataBreaches to try to get to report on victims who hadn't paid his ransom demands.

Some of his court filings tried to blame me for the FBI raiding him and seizing his devices. The FBI did their own investigation but yes, it was my reporting that initially made the FBI aware of Robert Purbeck.

#databreach #healthsec #cybersecurity #infosec #extortion

@euroinfosec @campuscodi @gcluley @zackwhittaker