So, when presented with the option to buy an Apple II clone, with a floppy drive and 182 floppy disks, is this just a hobbyist purchase or a philanthropic journey? Someone send me some AppleSauce. Boost if you agree.
94605 author:
31 Oct 2024 15:53
tags: #apple #appleii #applesauce #archive #floppy #retrocomputing
tags: #apple #appleii #applesauce #archive #floppy #retrocomputing
I once had a rather peculiar #floppy drive.
It occupied a single 5¼ half-height slot, but the unit contained *two* drives: a 5¼ drive and a 3½ drive.
Even more interestingly, the 5¼ drive had no lever. There wasn't enough room for one. Instead, the drive mechanism would engage when you pushed a 5¼ disk all the way into the drive, and you pushed a button to eject the disk, just like how 3½ drives work.
Too bad I don't still have it. #Retrocomputing YouTubers might have wanted it.