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- #archive September 24, 2024

Because this is the talk of the #internet again: you don't preserve digital media by stuffing the One True Version in an #archive. Make countless copies and scatter them to the wind. Make each a different format. You don't know which of them will still be readable next decade, so *don't try to guess*.

That goes for analog media too. The Library of Alexandria contained copies. Many classic paintings only survived as copies.

Copying is how life itself beats death. Embrace it.

So, when presented with the option to buy an Apple II clone, with a floppy drive and 182 floppy disks, is this just a hobbyist purchase or a philanthropic journey? Someone send me some AppleSauce. Boost if you agree.

#MuseumEducators are a bit thin on the ground in the Fediverse and I'd really like to collect some more!

So do you work in a #musuem, #gallery, #archive, #library or other #heritage sector organisation in a role which focuses on #learning and #education? Please say hi, especially if you're in the UK!

If not, do you know anybody who does? Please introduce us!

If neither of the above fit then a boost would still be very much appreciated.

Note: When I post things like this I tend to get helpful replies about following #tags: I know this, and I do! I'm looking for people rather than posts: there aren't many of either and the relevant #tags are just so much tumbleweed so far. There _must_ be museum educators out there somewhere (but they're not posting about museum education things because they haven't found anyone else who cares...): I'm trying to build that community.