Handala have been fully kicked off Telegram, including their backup channel.

Achievement unlocked as I can't remember a group ever getting fully booted.

Handala claim to have done a hack and wipe of Tosaf, a plastics manufacturer.

Screenshots show apparent Windows domain admin access, and they attach CCTV videos of themselves playing songs into a factory and an office, with workers looking confused.

There’s some coverage in Israeli media suggesting a focus on schools, with Israeli authorities acknowledging the incidents.


For the record Handala claims they sent 5million text messages at 8am this morning, UK time.

They also claim they have hacked Israeli police pagers and are broadcasting song on them, claim to have taken security ID information and delivery certificates for weapons.

Handala claim to have hacked the Ministry of National Security in Israel, activated red alert to get people into shelters, closed the doors, then played a song and wiped the system.

Very unclear how widespread or credible this is, although some Israeli social media posts show devices going off and playing songs.

Handala got booted off Telegram after the Zuk Group hack.

They’re back on another channel and posted:

“وَ كَمْ قَصَمْنا مِنْ قَرْيَةٍ كانَتْ ظالِمَةً ... بَلْ نَقْذِفُ بِالْحَقِّ عَلَى الْباطِلِ فَيَدْمَغُهُ فَإِذا هُوَ زاهِقٌ‌ ...”

Which translates to

“How many a city have We destroyed which was unjust... Rather, We cast the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and at once it departs...”

Handala claim to have done a hack and wipe of Zuk Group, an Israel group of financial companies. Their website has been defaced as of writing.

Handala posted a series of videos appearing to show access to their internal network.

Handala also claim the company is a front for Mossad. They offer no evidence of that bit.

One note, they fully respected the dates of the ceasefire last time but apparently aren’t bothered this time? #handala #threatintel

Edit: derp, it was Cyber Toufan who respected the ceasefire, not Handala.

Handala claim they will be wiping Mossad’s financial network today. Also, they appear to have purchased ChatGPT premium.

The '100K messages sent' thing is a reference to Handala abusing WhatsApp Business accounts, my English translation of message they've been sending.

Handala has also defaced ReutOne’s website, and published videos of RDP access to ReutOne’s internal network, eg Active Directory Certificate Authority etc. https://web.archive.org/web/20241226141650/https://www.reutone.com/

Handala have gained access to Reutone, a SaaS CRM supplier, and forward phished customers with a Trojan. Write up later.

A bit on the nose writing 🤣

Handala suggests they got access to Ehud Barak’s iPad using a BYOD management profile.

Handala claim to have gained access to
CaaB Cloud (https://caab.cloud), aka Cloud as a Business, posting a video of administrator access. CAAB Cloud describe themselves as “The MSP’s Cloud” in marketing.

CAAB Cloud is owned and operated by GNS in Israel, aka https://gns.cloud

It is unclear if the claims are credible. CaaB’s status page suggest a ~10% availability impact in one of their Israeli datacenters three days ago on cloud VM. https://status.caab.cloud

Handala say they plan their most destructive hack so far this weekend, over the fate of Reza Avazeh

There’s even a video, but sadly no hoodie wearing hackers

Masoumeh Karbasi & Reza Avazeh were killed in a drone strike in Lebanon in October. As far as I can see nobody knew why publicly, Handala’s linking Reza to Hezbollah and their cybersecurity appears to be a first.

His children were invited to meet ‘Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution’ that week. https://farsi.khamenei.ir/news-content?id=58050

Handala are one year old today. They are billing next week “destructive week”.

Btw the Silicom thing is interesting - Silicom sell OEMs networking kit and cards inside server which is rebranded on sale, ie people see their products as other company. The Handala claim is that Silicom is a Unit 8200 (Israeli signals intelligence) front company, for onward access.

Handala claim to be inside the Silicom incident response process, and that they’ve wiped 300 systems.

So with the Unit 8200 stuff and Handala, their latest claim is they gained access to Silicom Limited (an IT services and networking company) and exfiltrated data, and that Silicom is a front company for Unit 8200.

Presented evidence includes a video accessing an internal VMware vCentre cluster with about 50tb of storage.

Handala continues to be crazy town, with data dumps of what is allegedly to be SSV Network, a blockchain company.

Handala claim they can link it (SSV Network) to Unit 8200, the Israeli intelligence agency. So far this appears to be without proof.

I’m going to guess, based on this post, they plan to post more tomorrow about Unit 8200.

A few things have happened with Handala over the past few days which I haven’t covered - they’ve been dumping cloud backup photos and making threats, including about family members. I didn’t want to cover it.

All but one of the Handala Telegram channels has been shut down tonight.

Handala have posted photos and internal diagrams of, they claim, Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center.

The data appears to have come from Soreq. I have confirmed Soreq was owned, via the IAEA.

Handala are again claiming to have hacked Soreq, the nuclear safety org. I have in the past confirmed Soreq had a cybersecurity incident related to Handala, via the International Atomic Agency.