My Dearest #lazyweb

Do you know of a non-#elgato program for managing and running a #streamdeck on a microsoft #windows 10 computer? Possibly some #FOSS nerds built one?

I'd like something that treats it more like a #keyboard because I basically use it as a macro pad.

They want me to register for an account to install plugins and select icons outside of the base 3 sets which wasn't mandatory when I got it.

If I have to manage my own jpgs for every button in every folder in a #streamdeckXL their software is simply not suitable.

It doesn't seem that I can even have a button that is "type an #emoji without having to turn the emoji into a jpg and set it as a "wallpaper" for the button (the default layout has an image on each emoji key even).

the "configure streamdeck" app now crashes both the UI and the background service when I launch it from the deck itself

Hey, #lazyWeb — I _think_ I saw somebody mention a botched #pihole update on here recently …if that was you, or you saw it, and you figured out what broke, could you holler back?

Signed, the guy with the currently broken pihole…

Here is one for #lazyweb

What year(s) would you say #cloud #computing broke through and why was it that year?

And connected to that: When did VPS (virtual private #server ) technology become mainstream?

I'm not looking for a date those first appeared, but rather when they became mainstream parts of hosting and development practices?


There is a plot of everything in the universe. Mass v. length, log-log scale. It’s really cool. Hopefully someone knows where to find it and can help?

#lazyweb does anyone know how to disable rounded corners in gnome/mutter so that this shit doesn't happen even in qt apps

I'm using a #microsoft #windows computer, is there a decent terminal emulator available? Ideally one that doesn't mention AI in its change log.

I'm looking to ssh to a tmux on another computer. it's nothing fancy.

PowersHell is too blue.

The #WSL one seems to scroll to a random fucked up state whenever i touch my mouse (even near the wheel) and just has bizarre copy/paste behaviour. It just feels like a thing someone bashed out real quick to get it into a release