Yeah, I got into Yale. Big deal.
157526 author:
17 Jan 2025 00:37
tags: #alicepics #locks #locksport #pixelfed #puns
tags: #alicepics #locks #locksport #pixelfed #puns
We've won security. You can all go home now.
91813 author:
21 Oct 2024 12:50
tags: #doorfuriture #glasgow #glasgowhistory #keys #locks #odelllatchkey
tags: #doorfuriture #glasgow #glasgowhistory #keys #locks #odelllatchkey
Odell latch keys were most often used for communal doors to provide a level of security at a time when proper locks were much more expensive and the keys were much larger, making them hard to carry around.
While I knew these were used in Glasgow, I've never found one of their distinctive keyhole plates before. The Odell Night Latches, which these keys fitted into, are almost impossible to find.