Can atproto scale down?
tags: #inks #networking #perf #programming #social #storage
So #networking bubble, which tools do we wanna see in a minimal Linux distro to debug networks?
I got:
- nmap
- ping
- hping3
- iperf3
- ncat
- tcpdump
(- wireshark cause GUI)
More tools I should definitely make available to my networking team? (I'm trying to find tools we never heard of but which are really useful)
A Massive Leak
tags: #bugfix #csharp #garbage-collection #inks #networking
tags: #architecture #bbc #fedihired #networking
We're recruiting a Networking-focussed Architect in my team at the BBC.
You'll need to be UK-resident for boring tax/legal reasons but this is (IMO) a cool role - working on both corporate/internal & public/peering networks for BBC media & web content, Cloud connections etc. across multiple sites/DCs and with our vendors.
Happy to try to answer Qs informally.
Please share, esp. if you know good people who might be interested.
What's one #networking fact you know that seems illegal but isn't?
not my photo but i need that sticker (and i actually own the *exact* same terminal PC running as my router lol)
tags: #homelab #networking #opnsense #selfhosted #selfhosting
We doing nginx or Caddy these days? Or a mix? Or something else?
Doing a general entrypoint on OPNsense and maybe another one on the actual VM hosting the services.
I do like that nginx on OPNsense comes with a WAF module, but I hear they're not worth much also.
tags: #Internet #fiber #it #networking #wifi
Pinging a server in the office from my apartment yields a result of around 8ms.
Pinging my phone over #WiFi takes 100~200ms.
My phone is sitting right next to me. That server is 5 miles away as the crow flies.
#Fiber for the win.
How We Improved the Performance of a Userspace TCP Stack in Go by 5X
tags: #go #networking #perf #programming