122615 author: tedu@inks.tedunangst.com
04 Dec 2024 23:58
AES-GCM and breaking it on nonce reuse
group: inks@inks.tedunangst.com
tags: #article #crypto #exploit #math #random #security
AES-GCM and breaking it on nonce reuse
group: inks@inks.tedunangst.com
tags: #article #crypto #exploit #math #random #security
Bicycle lane designations made by recreational/athletic cyclists seem to be made based on completely different criteria than utilitarian cyclists. 🤔
1. Get a better basket (this one was lying around the house)
3. Still need to figure out how to bring bread back without smashing it... gets smooshed in the backpack, gets smooshed when strapped into a basket.
4. Full week of groceries for the family would be an extreme challenge, even with a trailer, due to weight. Probably requires e-bike with trailer. Or daily trips to the store? Dunno.