Doug Ford and his Conservatives, who are ripping out bike lanes in the GTA, under-delivering on transit, and expanding highways throughout #Ontario, are doing precisely the opposite of what #Switzerland has done. The result is transportation misery and chaos.
I show how the transport policies of the nation of #Switzerland (pop. 9 million) can be a model for large metro areas in my longread in today’s Globe and Mail.
You can see the exact moment when #Switzerland began to think ramming highways into its cities might be a stupid idea.
This is the Autobahnstummel, the "highway stub," for a huge expressway, one of 3 that was supposed to enter heart of Zürich.
Killed by popular referendum in 1973.
tags: #art #illustration #switzerland
Walk to the Gemmi Pass.
Rodolphe Töpffer & Charles-François Daubigny from "Voyages en zigzag" by Rodolphe Töpffer, Paris: 1844 #illustration #art #Switzerland
(Bit more info at the link.)
You can see the exact moment when #Switzerland decided ramming highways into its cities was a stupid idea.
This is the Autobahnstummel, the "highway stub," for a huge expressway, one of 3 that was supposed to enter heart of #Zürich.
Killed by popular referendum in 1973. Direct democracy has its moments!