Mild #sysadmin amusement spotted in .mysql_history - in which this author clearly had a copypasta mishap:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'replicatinator'@'iptables -A MYSQL -s -m comment --comment 'monitorinator.example' -j ACCEPT

A visual representation of some of my bash or perl scripts

Please, please, please put in a slide or fire pole. Please.

For client retention, obviously.

We're remodeling our data center lobby and the construction crew just cleared out all kids of substrate to get to what's shown in this photo.

Those wood planks cover an old staircase that leads to the basement.

What I'm learning from all this is we could've had a trap door in the data center lobby and we've never taken advantage of that fact.

Sure, other data centers might have man traps, but do any of them have trap doors?!

How I feel when dealing with DHCP scope exhaustion, propose the ideal solution, and am forced to drop the DHCPv4 lease time even further.

I’m looking for a template based way of reformatting data from a text form to some variables.
Does any #sysadmin have an idea how to approach this in 2024, with as little additional tools as possible?
I didn’t touch that territory for a long time so I’m not coming up with a good idea except intuitively using #awk but I feel that there should be better approaches by now.

I am urgently looking for a job in Linux system operations, remotely or anywhere in Germany. I am a first-timer, but I have been working with Linux in my free time 9 years now, and I am familiar with Debian, Gentoo and NixOS.
Do you know any trans-friendly employers who might want to have me? 🥺👉👈
You can have my CV upon request.