NEW: More than 4 million people have been using explicit deepfake bots on Telegram, a WIRED review has found.

We identified more than 50 Telegram bots built to create nude images and video. After sending questions to Telegram about their harm, the company removed the bots

So #Telegram has started a bot providing transparency reports for 2024.
The issue is that it is only providing transparency data in the country your account is registered (as far as I can tell, based on the phone number). I have started to aggregate data from multiple countries :
Now I need you Mastodon: if your country is not listed there and you have a Telegram account, could you please request this data and share a screenshot with me? Retoots are welcome

How does one go about creating an archive of a #telegram group (with an eye to eventually migrating that group elsewhere while being able to access prior history)?