I've been working on an automated triager for the frequent volumetric DDOS we see against www.bbc.com & www.bbc.co.uk.

The idea is to use our edge access logs (stored in BigQuery) to isolate & describe the attack traffic then recommend any additional mitigations/filters etc. It also gives us a database of DDOS metrics/sources we can reference.

Obviously I had to add the obligatory pew-pew map.

We monitor traffic to www.bbc.co.uk & www.bbc.com per country & got alerts that daily requests from Angola have dropped off loads recently.

Looking at the Angola traffic split by network AS. AS36907 traffic looks suspicious! Spidey sense triggered...the "before" traffic was *way* too consistent.

Digging in to the logs, looks like they removed their Fortigates on 6th Sept. which'd been sending 343k req/day for www.bbc.co.uk/ , every single day!

Gotta love being on the internet!