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follower-only-special: from Nine's journals:

Child of Nine, pt4: Divine Malevolence

it's very cryptic.

I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do for the Old Computer Challenge. I think I'll just use my 9front machines as much as possible (I still have University Websites to visit) and perhaps use HaikuOS to visit the sites and I can read the PDFs and write the papers with page(1) and acme(1) or sam(1) respectively. I have a desktop and a laptop 9front machine. 8th gen i5 (I think) for the desktop and a Core2Duo for the laptop. I don't consider the i5 old, but for a business class machine it is considered old since it's about seven years old. #OCC #OldComputerChallange #9front

To Drawterm to a 9front VM in VirtualBox, forward the Drawterm ports: 567 & 17019 in the Advanced Network settings. Then connect to your host's IP. #9front #VirtualBox

Here we are. First working and somewhat beautiful #spreadsheet editor for #plan9 #9front.

Or what I like to call it: glorified hoc frontend.

Wacom Bamboo CTH-670 works as a touch pad on 9front. Unknown how to disable touch and enable mouse. Touch and buttons are fully functional. #9front #Wacom #9frontArtist


#9front has several new file servers (hjfs, gefs) in addition to the "classical" ones.

Don't know who's the resident expert though?