There's two standard packages on my install list.... because I'm still 7 years old in my head

$ doas pkg install xteddy sl

it's very cryptic.

OK, finally on some different WiFi that isn't blocking SSH.

I submitted a Pull Request to update MacPorts' Got (Game Of Trees) to -portable 0.104 here:

GitHub Actions Continuous Integration checks are taking a bit longer, because it seems as if they've added more checks (now testing macos-12, 13, 14, 15; previously it only tested 3 OS versions automatically) but 3 out of 4 are OK, which is a good sign all 4 will be OK (usually if one fails they all fail and if one passes they all pass).

It's up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

#Got #GameOfTrees #MacPorts #VersionControl #OpenBSD #macOS #Git #OpenSource

I've made minor updates to my Open Suck installer for #openbsd 7.6

- Installers for both desktop and laptops now
- Firefox default browser
- Cleaned up README
- Desktop reference screenshot

Switching customers from Linux to BSD because boring is good

#raspberrypi #cm4 #openbsd #ucarp #cluster with #dual #ethernet. / mounted as #readonly and some directories mapped to memory with


Hope my fellow #OpenBSD developers are having a great time in Prague for the #c2k24 #hackathon this week! 🐡:flan_hacker:​