seeing a lot of posts saying…

'get your IUD now'
'stock up on Plan B'
'here's where to find mifepristone'

but nowhere have i seen posts saying…

'seriously consider getting a vasectomy [so you can potentially avert the risk to someone's life or livelihood]'

as someone that's had one, there's usually a 3 month waiting period so you have time to think it over. when you go in for the procedure, it takes about an hour—half of it filling paperwork out, changing into a gown, and waiting for the surgeon. recovery took me about a day to feel 70% normal, then roughly a week to get back to 100%. there are typically no obvious signs there's been an incision since the way the procedure is done is so minimally invasive and there's zero impact to sexual or urinary function.

at this point, taking it upon yourself to get a vasectomy and talking openly about it is direct action, or at least adjacent

Dear world,

Stop telling xenophobes their concerns are "valid" and then trying to win elections on it.

You are assisting the fascists.

Yours faithfully,

People with a conscience

Any #Fishbone fans out there?

They just dropped a new song 11 hours ago

"#Racist Piece of Shit"

I'm going to ask you to peer into current events and take a wild crazy guess who the song is about 😆


this #american says "thank you eugen"


I.... I don't think that's how hurricanes work, Donald.

@johnmastodone because we already did. We voted in a #primary for President #Biden & Vice President #KamalaHarris. Meaning we already chose that we believed that in the case that Biden couldn’t serve as #president it was our choice that Harris be who steps in. We made the choice not just in the primary but also in the 2020 election.

#Biden steps aside as Democratic nominee, #endorses #Harris

President Biden is ending his presidential campaign, a momentous decision that upends the 2024 presidential race, and is endorsing Vice President Harris for the top of the ticket.

“I believe it is in the best interest of my party & the country for me to stand down & to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the reminder of my term,” Biden said in a statement.



Duverger’s law. It is not education, or worldviews, which need changing; it is the electoral system. Watch Maine and Alaska in #USA #election2024 - they will not be using fptp.

And neither should anyone else.

Proportional representation eliminates the benefits of strategic voting, so less-extreme parties emerge.