There’s no federal methodology for studying complications that arise during a pregnancy loss. To understand how Texas’ abortion ban is impacting maternal health, we consulted with researchers to craft one.

Here’s how we sifted through data on millions of pregnancy hospitalizations and analyzed the outcomes before and after the ban.

Texas Banned Abortion. Then Sepsis Rates Soared.

Pregnancy became far more dangerous in Texas after the state banned abortion, according to ProPublica’s first-of-its-kind analysis, which found the sepsis rate for women hospitalized as they miscarried in the 2nd trimester shot up by more than 50%.

YAY! Salmonella!

Sounding the alarm to call attention to the unreal US bird flu/illness situation, since we can't depend on the federal government to do so. Healthcare workers are comparing it to March 2020 and I think it's a Yankee Candle moment :(


Gizmodo: The Dangers of Drinking ‘Raw Water’

seeing a lot of posts saying…

'get your IUD now'
'stock up on Plan B'
'here's where to find mifepristone'

but nowhere have i seen posts saying…

'seriously consider getting a vasectomy [so you can potentially avert the risk to someone's life or livelihood]'

as someone that's had one, there's usually a 3 month waiting period so you have time to think it over. when you go in for the procedure, it takes about an hour—half of it filling paperwork out, changing into a gown, and waiting for the surgeon. recovery took me about a day to feel 70% normal, then roughly a week to get back to 100%. there are typically no obvious signs there's been an incision since the way the procedure is done is so minimally invasive and there's zero impact to sexual or urinary function.

at this point, taking it upon yourself to get a vasectomy and talking openly about it is direct action, or at least adjacent

A Pregnant Teenager Died After Trying to Get Care in Three Visits to #Texas Emergency Rooms

It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a #hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened.

Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.”

She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s #abortion ban.

#News #Health #HealthCare #Pregnancy #Government #Law #Safety #Family

The apple health app and watch says I sleep much better when I play Billie Eilish through my ear buds when I sleep, despite waking up once in the night to take the ear buds out. My wake tine has only been around 10min. Sans Billie my wake time is about 30-40min.

A COVID-19 wave is sweeping the country, causing the virus surge to its highest infection levels since summer of 2022, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s wastewater dashboard. Deaths and hospitalizations are also up, but not as much as infections. The CDC says currently about four out of 100,000 people are hospitalized, up from the pandemic low of one in 100,000 in May. Read more from CNN.