YAY! Salmonella! https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2025/02/republicans-want-to-prevent-usda-from-implementing-rule-to-control-salmonella/

#OFFDEM food is sublime. Top-notch Afghan cuisine!

When in #Chicago of course the food base-line must be a perogi 😂 ❤️

There's a lot about the Singapore hawker food concept to complain about (the way hawker stall real estate is managed, etc)


Having a cheaper than a cafe or restaurant option to spin up a food biz quickly also means we get so many cool ideas that don't have to be all out restaurants.

Dim sum chefs from high end hotels leaving those places after Covid to do one-item concept stalls has been a thing, and this is the latest one: https://sethlui.com/chef-leungs-soup-dumplings-new-concept-chinatown-singapore-jan-2025/

I love it

I did a splurge and bought some blue ribbon vegan icecream because I knew I wouldn't be eating real food for a while. AND WHAT A GREAT buy. Just made a smoothie with banana, frozen mango, vegan ice cream, rolled oats and oat milk. OMG. What a meal 😍 Pete liked it too

Tonight's dinner: couscous, broccoli, steak

Excellent answer to a food and history thought exercise: ‘when is the earliest time possible theoretically that a French peasant could have made a crab Rangoon’


Civic Center farmer’s market at 2:30pm: every vegetable and fruit I need for the week for $14.80

hawker centre run by rats!

Just picked up a bag of chips I’d never seen and.. what a story
