Texas Banned Abortion. Then Sepsis Rates Soared.

Pregnancy became far more dangerous in Texas after the state banned abortion, according to ProPublica’s first-of-its-kind analysis, which found the sepsis rate for women hospitalized as they miscarried in the 2nd trimester shot up by more than 50%.


Wrote this before the election.

The sentiment is the same, if not, like, x 1,000 now.

Think I can say (obviously without speaking for all womxn):

I. Do. Not. Feel. Safe.

This is compounded by the fact that men now feel they can say "Your Body My Choice".


My heart is filled!!! ❤️ just got home from the Snohomish, WA #womensmarch and I feel hopeful.

We. Cannot. Go. Back.

Facebook is actively removing postings I'm making today. I maintain a foothold on Facebook, knowing its tawdriness and that it's no friend to progressive politics, because I oversee a family history-DNA project that's housed there. And Facebook is one way I can keep in quick touch with a wide circle of relatives and friends.

First posting removed today: Jess Piper's graphic (below) about white women voting in this election.


#Facebook #censorship #women #abortion