Last Friday I received a letter from a U.K. law firm with an attached injunction. The law firm claimed I must remove two posts about their client.

That is not going to happen. I am not under the jurisdiction of the U.K. or the High Court of Justice. My lawyer informed them of that yesterday.

But might disappear tomorrow because the U.K. law firm sent the injunction to my domain registrar who, innocently believing them, informed me they will suspend my site if I don't remove the posts within 24 hours. I have replied to them but have not heard back.


If my site is gone tomorrow, I will let you know where you can read a lot more about the injunction and how the injunction poses a serious risk of censorship in the U.K.

If my site is still online tomorrow, I will still let you know here where you can read about the over-reaching injunction obtained in a private hearing where no one represented journalists whose reporting was being censored.

#censorship #injunction #pressfreedom
#AssociatedPress #RCFP

@freedomofpress @campuscodi @zackwhittaker @aj_vicens @carlypage @iainthomson @amvinfe @lawfare

Update: they’ve reportedly reinstated the #antifa hashtag. As well as #noAFD, which was, apparently, also blocked.


Hey, do you understand that “antifa” stands for “anti fascist?” Do you know what folks who are anti-anti fascist are? That’s right, they’re fascists.

While you’re at it, you might also want to look up what the “F” and the “L” in your name stand for.

If they don’t fix this ASAP, I’d recommend a swift #fediblock by any instance that isn’t fascist.

Important edit:
Meanwhile, the admin responded and clarified the situation. It was a configuration mistake. #antifa was auto blocked because of spam (if I got this correctly?) and #NoAfD basically for the same reason. The latter, however, wasn't resolved that fast because it has never been reported. Which is believable because it's super German specific.

@admin I'm sorry, what?!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #FLOSS #antifascism

/7 🧵 #final

This. #saysitall #freepress #journalism #Blinken #pressconference #SamHusseini #MaxBlumenthal #censorship #Israel #genocide #Gaza #BidenAdmin #ICJ

👇 ❗

/5 🧵 👇

3/6 #MaxBlumenthal #Blinken #pressconference #journalism #freepress #censorship #Israel #Gaza #genocide #warcrimes #ICJ #US #BidenAdmin


RT @MaxBlumenthal
My final words for Tony Blinken, Secretary of Genocide, and his smirking press secretary, Matt Miller

5:19 p.m. · 16 jan. 2025

2/6 "Physically dragging out a reporter from the State Department briefing room while preaching press freedom to the rest of the world is the perfect example of the Biden administration's love affair with double standards and duplicity," said one foreign policy observer."

🧵 1/6 "Criminal! Why aren't you in The Hague?" Respect for mr. Sam Husseini.

And while mr. Husseini was carried out and handcuffed, all the other reporters remained silent. F*cking cowards.

I believe I'm suffering from #YouTube #Anxiety Disorder (YAD). Every time I comment somewhere (even on mastodon), I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, careful not to offend the AI overlords. I also feel the urge to comeback later and ensure that the comment hasn't been censored randomly.

The interesting part is that despite the snowflake #censorship #algorithms, inflammatory speech on YouTube is growing faster than ever. What exactly are they trying to achieve anyway? More #Enshittification?

In the lead-up to the 2016 election, I began to find that any time I posted anything with the words "white evangelical(s)" in it, Facebook took the posting down.

Meanwhile, I see on an ongoing basis all sorts of obvious right-wing disinformation being circulated freely on Facebook, with no attempt that I can see made by Facebook to censor that disinformation.

More than "just the algorithm" is at work in Facebook censorship.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump

Obviously something more is at work as Facebook censors some people than "the algorithm."

One dynamic, I suspect, is that if people watching your account for hostile reasons flag it and report it repeatedly to Facebook, often acting in concert with others, Facebook then puts censorship mechanisms in place for your account. These often have overt political intent.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump

People keep saying that "the algorithm," as if it's some mystical force acting in independence of human tinkering and will, takes down postings on Facebook.

If that's the case, then I'd like some explanation for why, when I posted that graphic, it was immediately taken down with a warning to me, but when she posted it, nothing happened.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump

A clear silencing of me up to the post-election period….

One of the postings was a graphic that Jess Piper had posted on Substack.

After the postings were removed, I shared information about this on my Mastodon page. A follower there told me she would post the same Jess Piper graphic on her Facebook feed and see what happened.

She did so. Facebook did not take it down.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump

I've just posted the following on my Facebook page and we'lll see what happens:

Yesterday, Facebook immediately took down two of my postings right after I made them, then levying penalties against my account I've never had, which limit my ability to use my account until after November 19 — an interesting choice of dates when the two postings were related to the coming election on November 5.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump

I understand that the word Nazi is an algorithm-triggering red flag, and the photo Moxon uses with MAGA folks flying Nazi flags is another one.

But it's perfectly obvious that Moxon is not promoting Nazis, but doing the opposite. So censoring any critical mention of Nazism to refer to Trump is pro-Republican censorship.

And when another posting with no such red flags is yanked immediately the same day, something more's going on here.

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump #Nazis

Second posting Facebook took down immediately: this excerpt from A.R. Moxon today —

"Nazism is on the ballot this year, and people who consider themselves Nazis know it, even if so many of the rest of us seem not to want to. So it came to pass that Nazis came to the pro-Trump boat show in Jupiter Florida last week."

#Facebook #censorship #Republicans #Trump #Nazis

Facebook is actively removing postings I'm making today. I maintain a foothold on Facebook, knowing its tawdriness and that it's no friend to progressive politics, because I oversee a family history-DNA project that's housed there. And Facebook is one way I can keep in quick touch with a wide circle of relatives and friends.

First posting removed today: Jess Piper's graphic (below) about white women voting in this election.

#Facebook #censorship #women #abortion

Looks like & are blocked in Turkmenistan (since this time last week).

🤬 City of Columbus sues man after he discloses severity of ransomware attack
— Ars Technica

“Only individuals willing to navigate and interact with the criminal element on the dark web, who also have the computer expertise and tools necessary to download data from the dark web, would be able to do so,” city attorneys wrote. “The dark web-posted data is not readily available for public consumption. Defendant is making it so.”