Give @vriska money for weed

If she consents then I revoke mine.

It's 2025. ✨

With our inboxes at zero already 😉 lets now update our Mastodon content filters!

1) Go to `https://<your instance>/filters/new`
2) Name it something like "2025 Deshittification"
3) Tick every context checkbox. Select "hide completely".
4) Spend 10-20 minutes scrolling your feed in a new window and just go buck-wild on the keywords.
5) Click "Save new filter"
6) Bookmark that filter page for easy access. And keep adding to it.

This time in 2026 your feed will be bullet proof.

((The perfect meme to attach was already created by @ahuggingsam ))

I work 7 days a week. 24 hours a day. Thats about 1,440 minutes and 86,400 seconds wasted not masturbating.

The fediverse will cease to exist on April 17th 2025 at 18:43 UTC

@binkle if you add rum to earl grey tea it will taste like aspirin

Protip: when you run out of vape fluids, you could just make a small cut in the 18650 battery with a knife and inhale its smoke instead.

You can transfer your Mastodon account to a different server if you would like. The process allows you to keep your follows, followers, bookmarks, lists, mutes, blocks and domain blocks. Your old posts will remain on the old server, but they will redirect people to your new account.

There's a complete step-by-step beginner's guide for how to transfer your account at:


It might seem a bit long, but it combines several processes into one guide.

Make sure to post your home address so your Mastodon followers cam mail you fan letters

I am currently in your walls

We're all going to die one day