We are aware that there are some members of the digital evidence community who may be wary of, unwilling to, or unable to give evidence to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Computer Evidence (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/use-of-computer-evidence-in-court-to-be-interrogated ). To ensure that their views & experiences can be properly represented, we are running a short survey ro capture essential information that we will submit to the Inquiry on behalf of respondents. All information will be anonymised and only used or reproduced with the consent of the contributors.

The survey has been prepared by Angus Marshall with support from Prof. Sarah Morris and Simon Biles, for whose support we are very grateful.

Please do complete the form at https://forms.gle/BwmDytnHT3z8pmCDA . It should only take 10-20 minutes. Or if you prefer to email us: survey@devce.org

This Thursday 14th, Dutch universities will protest against the new government's planned budget cuts. The universities are encouraging staff and students to join the protest in Utrecht. You can read a comment from the Tilburg University vice-president here ("We were, and still are, pissed off...")

Just seen something referring to academics as "unpaid content creators for Elsevier" and I am dead ⚰️.

@academicsunite @academicchatter

1/ When surveys ask academics to self-describe their political leanings, we get the familiar result that the vast majority lean left. When an algorithm analyzes their #Twitter posts, we still find a left-leaning majority but we also find more centrists and conservatives than the surveys do.

#Academia #Politics #SocialMedia